Welcome to High VisAbility - a bold, bright and boundless exhibition featuring collaborative artworks made by students at Sir David Brand School for young people living with disabilities. Working alongside award-winning Yamatji artist Mandy White and her long-time collaborator, acclaimed artist Natalie Scholtz, student artists were empowered to create vibrant, playful artworks that explore identity, place and visibility. Featuring a large fluorescent sculpture, joyous portrait photography and quirky animations created by the students, High VisAbility is about being seen, heard and celebrated.

Dates & Times: Tue 24 – Sat 28 Sept, 10am - 4pm daily

Venue: PICA

Cost: FREE! No booking required

  • Tuesday, 24 September 2024
  • Wednesday, 25 September 2024
  • Thursday, 26 September 2024
  • Friday, 27 September 2024
  • Saturday, 28 September 2024

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